use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter}; use std::error::Error as ErrorTrait; use crate::accessmasks::{ ClassAccessFlagMask, ClassAccessFlag, MethodAccessFlagMask, MethodAccessFlag}; use crate::bytecode::{ Bytecode, Instruction }; use crate::classfile; use crate::classfile::{ JavaClassFile, MethodInfo, MethodDescriptor, AbstractTypeDescription, AbstractTypeKind, AttributeInfo, AttributeData, CodeAttributeData }; use crate::classstore; use crate::classstore::ClassStore; use crate::constantpool::{ ConstantPoolInfo, ConstantClassInfo, ConstantUtf8Info, ConstantMethodRefInfo, ConstantNameAndTypeInfo}; use crate::stackframe::{ StackFrame, Value }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { ClassStoreError(classstore::Error), ClassFileError(classfile::Error), BadNameError(String), RunTimeError(String), OpcodeError(String), } impl From for Error { fn from(value: classfile::Error) -> Self { return Error::ClassFileError(value); } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: classstore::Error) -> Self { return Error::ClassStoreError(value); } } impl ErrorTrait for Error {} impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { writeln!(formatter, "{self}")?; if let Some(e) = self.source() { writeln!(formatter, "\tCaused by: {e:?}")?; } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct JVM { class_store: ClassStore, stack_frames: Vec, } impl JVM { pub fn new() -> Self { return JVM { class_store: ClassStore::new(), stack_frames: Vec::new(), } } pub fn entrypoint(&mut self, class_name: &String, method_name: &String, arguments: &[Value]) -> Result<(), Error> { let entry_class = JavaClassFile { minor_version: 0, major_version: 0, constant_pool: Box::new([ ConstantPoolInfo::Class(ConstantClassInfo { name_index: 2 }), ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(ConstantUtf8Info { utf8: "::EntryPoint".to_string() }), ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(ConstantUtf8Info { utf8: "Code".to_string() }), ConstantPoolInfo::MethodRef(ConstantMethodRefInfo { class_index: 5, name_and_type_index: 6}), ConstantPoolInfo::Class(ConstantClassInfo { name_index: 7 }), ConstantPoolInfo::NameAndType(ConstantNameAndTypeInfo { name_index: 8, descriptor_index: 9 }), ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(ConstantUtf8Info { utf8: class_name.to_string() }), ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(ConstantUtf8Info { utf8: method_name.to_string() }), ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(ConstantUtf8Info { utf8: "()V".to_string() }), ] ), access_flags: ClassAccessFlagMask { mask: ClassAccessFlag::Super.discriminant() }, this_class: 1, super_class: 0, interfaces: Box::new([]), fields: Box::new([]), methods: Box::new([ MethodInfo { access_flags: MethodAccessFlagMask { mask: MethodAccessFlag::Public.discriminant() | MethodAccessFlag::Static.discriminant() }, name: "call_main".to_string(), descriptor: MethodDescriptor { argument_types: Box::new([]), return_type: AbstractTypeDescription { array_level: 0, kind: AbstractTypeKind::Void(), } }, code_attribute_index: 0, attributes: Box::new([ AttributeInfo { attribute_name_index: 3, data: AttributeData::Code( CodeAttributeData { max_stack: 0, max_locals: 0, code: Bytecode { bytes: Box::new([ 0xB8_u8.to_be(), // invokestatic 0x04_u16.to_be_bytes()[0], // index 4 into the constant 0x04_u16.to_be_bytes()[1], // pool ]), }, exception_table: Box::new([]), attributes: Box::new([]), } ) } ]) } ]), attributes: Box::new([]), }; self.stack_frames.push( StackFrame::new(&entry_class, 0, 0, arguments), ); self.class_store.add_class(entry_class, true); Ok(()) } pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { while self.stack_frames.len() != 0 { let jvm_op = self.bytecode_loop()?; match jvm_op { JVMCallbackOperation::PopFrame() => self.stack_frames.truncate(self.stack_frames.len() - 1), JVMCallbackOperation::PushFrame(frame) => self.stack_frames.push(frame), JVMCallbackOperation::LoadClass(name) => { self.class_store.load_class(&name)?; () }, JVMCallbackOperation::InitClass(name) => { self.init_class(*self.class_store.class_idx_from_name(&name).unwrap()); } } } Ok(()) } pub fn init_class(&mut self, class_idx: usize) { let class_file = self.class_store.class_file_from_idx(class_idx).unwrap(); let clinit_idx = class_file.find_method_index(&"".to_string()); // TODO: ConstantValue Attributes (final) // TODO: Static Stuff self.class_store.set_init(class_idx, true); } fn prepare_invoke_static(&mut self, class_index: usize, method_name: &String, arguments: &[Value]) -> Result<(), Error> { let class_file = self.class_store.class_file_from_idx(class_index).unwrap(); let method_index = class_file.find_method_index(method_name) .ok_or(Error::BadNameError(format!("Could not find method '{}' in class '{}'", method_name, class_file.get_classname()?)))?; let new_frame = StackFrame::new( class_file, class_index, method_index.try_into().expect(&format!("Bad method index: {}", method_index)), arguments ); self.stack_frames.push(new_frame); return Ok(()); } fn bytecode_loop(&mut self) -> Result { let frame = { let frame_index = self.stack_frames.len() - 1; &mut self.stack_frames[frame_index] }; let class = self.class_store.class_file_from_idx(frame.class_index).unwrap(); let method = & class.methods[frame.method_index as usize]; let code_attr = method.get_code_attribute().unwrap(); let bytecode = & code_attr.code; while frame.instruction_pointer as usize != bytecode.bytes.len() { let (instruction, offset) = bytecode.next_instruction(frame.instruction_pointer as usize); frame.instruction_pointer += offset as u32; match instruction { Instruction::InvokeStatic(methodref_index) => { let (supplied_class_name, supplied_method_name, supplied_descriptor_string) = class.gather_methodref(methodref_index)?; if ! self.class_store.have_class(supplied_class_name) { // rewind the bytecode offset, I'll need to execute this instruction again frame.instruction_pointer -= offset as u32; return Ok(JVMCallbackOperation::LoadClass(supplied_class_name.to_string())); } if ! self.class_store.was_init(supplied_class_name).unwrap() { // rewind the bytecode offset, I'll need to execute this instruction again frame.instruction_pointer -= offset as u32; return Ok(JVMCallbackOperation::InitClass(supplied_class_name.to_string())); } let (callee_class_file, callee_class_index) = self.class_store.get_class(supplied_class_name)?; // TODO: Throw exception on fail let callee_method_index = callee_class_file.find_method_index(supplied_method_name).unwrap(); // TODO: Throw exception on fail let callee_method_info = &callee_class_file.methods[callee_method_index]; if ! (callee_method_info.access_flags & MethodAccessFlag::Static) { // TODO: Throw IncompatibleClassChangeError return Err(Error::RunTimeError(format!( "Invoked method '{}' in class '{}' does not have Access::Static (from invokestatic from '{}' in class '{}')",, class.get_classname().unwrap(), supplied_method_name, supplied_class_name, ))); } let supplied_descriptor: MethodDescriptor = supplied_descriptor_string.try_into()?; // TODO: Throw exception on fail if supplied_descriptor != callee_method_info.descriptor { // TODO: Throw exception on fail return Err(Error::RunTimeError(format!( "Mismatched method descriptors between caller and callee: Caller ({}) wanted '{}' but found '{}' on Callee ({})", class.get_classname().unwrap(), supplied_descriptor_string, callee_method_info.descriptor.source_string(), supplied_class_name, ))); } let arguments = Vec::new(); // TODO: Pass arguments let new_frame = StackFrame::new( callee_class_file, callee_class_index, callee_method_index as u16, &arguments.into_boxed_slice(), ); return Ok(JVMCallbackOperation::PushFrame(new_frame)); }, Instruction::ReturnVoid() => { let expected_type = AbstractTypeDescription { array_level: 0, kind: AbstractTypeKind::Void(), }; if method.descriptor.return_type != expected_type { return Err(Error::OpcodeError(format!("Found opcode '{:?}' on method returning '{:?}'", instruction, method.descriptor.return_type))) } return Ok(JVMCallbackOperation::PopFrame()); }, _ => { return Err(Error::RunTimeError(format!("Opcode not implemented yet: {:?}", instruction))) }, } } Ok(JVMCallbackOperation::PopFrame()) } } enum JVMCallbackOperation { PopFrame(), PushFrame(StackFrame), LoadClass(String), InitClass(String), }