This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 54 additions and 37 deletions
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Main (main) where
import Text.Parsec
import Lib (exprparser, evaluate, replaceVars, Expr)
import Lib (exprparser, evaluate, replaceVars, Expr, extractVariableDefinitions)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ import Data.Ratio
import System.IO
initVars :: Map String Rational
initVars = Map.fromList [("pi", 245850922 % 78256779), ("e", 271801 % 99990)]
main :: IO ()
main = ioLoop
main = ioLoop initVars
precision = 5 :: Int
@ -19,21 +22,19 @@ showRatio :: Int -> Rational -> String
showRatio p r = (if (r < 0) then "-" else "") ++ prepoint_digits ++ (if (length postpoint_digits > 0) then ("." ++ postpoint_digits) else "")
prepoint_digits = init . show . round . abs $ (r * 10)
postpoint_digits = reverse .dropWhile (=='0') . reverse .(take p) . (drop (length prepoint_digits)) . show . round . abs $ (r * 10^p)
postpoint_digits = reverse . dropWhile (=='0') . reverse .(take p) . (drop (length prepoint_digits)) . show . round . abs $ (r * 10^p)
useResult :: Either ParseError Expr -> String
useResult (Right expr) = either id ((showRatio precision) . evaluate) $ replaceVars expr vars
useResult (Left error) = show error
useResult :: Map String Rational -> Either ParseError Expr -> String
useResult vs (Right expr) = either id ((showRatio precision) . evaluate) $ replaceVars expr vs
useResult vs (Left error) = show error
vars :: Map String Rational
vars = Map.fromList [("pi", 245850922 % 78256779), ("e", 271801 % 99990)]
ioLoop :: IO ()
ioLoop = do done <- isEOF
ioLoop :: Map String Rational -> IO ()
ioLoop vs = do done <- isEOF
if done
then putStrLn "Quit!"
else do inp <- getLine
let expr = parse exprparser "<stdin>" inp
putStrLn . useResult $ expr
let uvs = either (const vs) (\e -> Map.unionWith (flip const) vs (extractVariableDefinitions e)) expr
putStrLn $ useResult uvs expr
ioLoop uvs
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Lib
( exprparser, evaluate, replaceVars, Expr
( exprparser, evaluate, replaceVars, Expr, extractVariableDefinitions
) where
import Control.Applicative((<*))
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Text.Parsec.Language
data Expr = Variable String | Constant Rational | Binary BinaryOperator Expr Expr
data Expr = Variable String | Constant Rational | Binary BinaryOperator Expr Expr | VariableDefinition String Rational
deriving Show
data BinaryOperator = Plus | Minus | Multiply | Divide | Power
deriving Show
@ -73,9 +73,42 @@ constantRational = do
let natural_length = length . show $ natural
let decimal_length = length decimal_digits
let numerator = natural * (10 ^ decimal_length) + decimal
let denominator = 10 ^ (decimal_length + natural_length - 1)
let denominator = 10 ^ decimal_length
return (numerator % denominator)
variableDefinition :: Parser Expr
variableDefinition = try (do
name <- m_identifier
_ <- char '='
value <- constantInteger <|> constantRational
return (VariableDefinition name value)
term = m_parens exprparser
<|> variableDefinition
<|> fmap Variable m_identifier
<|> fmap Constant constantInteger
<|> fmap Constant constantRational
extractVariableDefinitions :: Expr -> Map.Map String Rational
extractVariableDefinitions (VariableDefinition name value) = Map.singleton name value
extractVariableDefinitions (Binary _ a b) = Map.union (extractVariableDefinitions a) (extractVariableDefinitions b)
extractVariableDefinitions (Constant _) = Map.empty
extractVariableDefinitions (Variable _) = Map.empty
replaceVars :: Expr -> Map.Map String Rational -> Either String Expr
replaceVars (Constant c) vs = Right $ Constant c
replaceVars (Variable name) vs = maybe (Left ("Usage of unknown variable: '" ++ name ++ "'\nSuggestion: define the variable\n++ " ++ name ++ "=42")) (Right . Constant . id) $ Map.lookup name vs
replaceVars (VariableDefinition _ value ) vs = Right $ Constant value
replaceVars (Binary op l r) vs = case leftBranch of
Left s -> Left s
Right a -> case rightBranch of
Left s -> Left s
Right b -> Right $ Binary op a b
leftBranch = replaceVars l vs
rightBranch = replaceVars r vs
- a/b ^ c/d
- (a ^ c/d) / b ^ (c/d)
@ -87,23 +120,6 @@ rationalPower a b = rationalPower' (numerator a, denominator a) (numerator b, de
rationalPower' (a, b) (c, 1) = a ^ c % b ^ c
rationalPower' _ _ = error "Powers with unnatural numbers are not supported yet"
term = m_parens exprparser
<|> fmap Variable m_identifier
<|> fmap Constant constantInteger
<|> fmap Constant constantRational
replaceVars :: Expr -> Map.Map String Rational -> Either String Expr
replaceVars (Constant c) vs = Right $ Constant c
replaceVars (Variable name) vs = maybe (Left ("Usage of unknown variable: '" ++ name ++ "'\nSuggestion: define the variable\n++ " ++ name ++ "=42")) (Right . Constant . id) $ Map.lookup name vs
replaceVars (Binary op l r) vs = case leftBranch of
Left s -> Left s
Right a -> case rightBranch of
Left s -> Left s
Right b -> Right $ Binary op a b
leftBranch = replaceVars l vs
rightBranch = replaceVars r vs
evaluate :: Expr -> Rational
evaluate (Constant c) = c
evaluate (Binary Plus a b) = evaluate a + evaluate b
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