
1252 lines
40 KiB

use std::io::Read;
use std::error::Error as ErrorTrait;
use core::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Debug};
use core::str::Utf8Error;
use crate::accessmasks::*;
use crate::bytecode::Bytecode;
use crate::constantpool::{ ConstantFieldRefInfo, ConstantPoolInfo, ConstantUtf8Info, ConstantInterfaceMethodRefInfo, ConstantStringInfo, ConstantMethodRefInfo, ConstantFloatInfo, ConstantClassInfo, ConstantNameAndTypeInfo, ConstantIntegerInfo, ConstantLongInfo };
use crate::constantpool::ConstantDoubleInfo;
pub enum Error {
impl ErrorTrait for Error {}
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
writeln!(formatter, "{self}")?;
if let Some(e) = self.source() {
writeln!(formatter, "\tCaused by: {e:?}")?;
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(value: std::io::Error) -> Self {
return Error::IOError(
impl From<Utf8Error> for Error {
fn from(value: Utf8Error) -> Self {
return Error::Utf8Error(value);
impl From<core::num::TryFromIntError> for Error {
fn from (value: core::num::TryFromIntError) -> Self {
return Error::PlatformIntError(value);
pub struct JavaClassFile {
pub minor_version: u16,
pub major_version: u16,
pub constant_pool: Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>,
pub access_flags: ClassAccessFlagMask,
pub this_class: u16,
pub super_class: u16,
pub interfaces: Box<[u16]>,
pub fields: Box<[FieldInfo]>,
pub methods: Box<[MethodInfo]>,
pub attributes: Box<[AttributeInfo]>,
impl JavaClassFile {
pub fn new(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let magic = read_u32(reader)?;
if magic != 0xCAFEBABE {
return Err(
format!("Expected magic bytes 0xCAFEBABE but found {:#X}", magic)
let minor_version = read_u16(reader)?;
let major_version = read_u16(reader)?;
let constant_pool = {
let constant_pool_count = read_u16(reader)?;
let constant_pool_size = constant_pool_count - 1;
let mut constant_pool_vec = Vec::with_capacity(constant_pool_size.into());
let mut i = 0;
while i < constant_pool_size {
let cpinfo = ConstantPoolInfo::from_reader(reader)?;
let delta_i = match cpinfo {
ConstantPoolInfo::Double(_) | ConstantPoolInfo::Long(_) => 2,
_ => 1
if delta_i == 2 {
i += delta_i;
let access_flags = ClassAccessFlagMask { mask: read_u16(reader)? };
let this_class = read_u16(reader)?;
let super_class = read_u16(reader)?;
let interfaces = {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut if_vec = Vec::<u16>::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
let fields = {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut fields_vec = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
fields_vec.push(FieldInfo::from_reader(reader, &constant_pool)?);
let methods = {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut methods_vec = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
methods_vec.push(MethodInfo::from_reader(reader, &constant_pool)?);
let attributes = AttributeInfo::array_from_reader(reader, &constant_pool, true)?;
JavaClassFile {
pub fn has_super_class(&self) -> bool {
return self.super_class != 0;
pub fn get_super_class_name(&self) -> Result<&String, Error> {
let super_class_entry = self.pool_class_entry(self.super_class)?;
let super_name_entry = self.pool_utf8_entry(super_class_entry.name_index)?;
return Ok(&super_name_entry.utf8);
pub fn get_classname(&self) -> Result<&String, Error> {
let class_info_entry = self.pool_entry(self.this_class)?;
let class_info_entry = match class_info_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Class(data) => data,
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Invalid this_class index, expected index to ClassInfo but found {:?}", class_info_entry)))
let name_entry = self.pool_entry(class_info_entry.name_index.into())?;
let name_entry = match name_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(utf8data) => utf8data,
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Invalid class_info.name_index from this_class, expected index to Utf8 but found {:?}", name_entry)))
return Ok(&name_entry.utf8);
pub fn find_method_index(&self, name: &String) -> Option<usize> {
for (index, method_info) in (&self.methods).into_iter().enumerate() {
if method_info.name == *name {
return Some(index);
return None;
pub fn pool_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantPoolInfo, Error> {
return pool_entry(&self.constant_pool, index);
pub fn pool_interfacemethodref_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantInterfaceMethodRefInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
let methodref_entry = match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::InterfaceMethodRef(data) => data,
_ => unreachable!(),
return Ok(methodref_entry);
pub fn pool_methodref_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantMethodRefInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
let methodref_entry = match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::MethodRef(data) => data,
_ => unreachable!(),
return Ok(methodref_entry);
pub fn pool_fieldref_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantFieldRefInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
let fieldref_entry = match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::FieldRef(data) => data,
_ => unreachable!(),
return Ok(fieldref_entry);
pub fn pool_class_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantClassInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Class(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Class but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_utf8_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantUtf8Info, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Utf8 but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_float_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantFloatInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Float(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Float but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_double_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantDoubleInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Double(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Double but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_long_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantLongInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Long(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Long but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_int_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantIntegerInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Integer(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type Integer but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_nameandtype_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantNameAndTypeInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::NameAndType(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type NameAndType but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn pool_string_entry(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantStringInfo, Error> {
let pool_entry = self.pool_entry(index)?;
return match pool_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::String(data) => Ok(data),
_ => Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Expected constant pool entry {} in class {} to be of type String but found {:?}", index, self.get_classname()?, pool_entry)))
pub fn gather_float(&self, index: u16) -> Result<f32, Error> {
let float = self.pool_float_entry(index)?;
return Ok(float.value);
pub fn gather_string(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&String, Error> {
let string = self.pool_string_entry(index)?;
return Ok(&(self.pool_utf8_entry(string.string_index)?.utf8));
pub fn gather_nameandtype(&self, index: u16) -> Result<(&String, &String), Error> {
let nameandtype = self.pool_nameandtype_entry(index)?;
let name = &self.pool_utf8_entry(nameandtype.name_index)?.utf8;
let descriptor = &self.pool_utf8_entry(nameandtype.descriptor_index)?.utf8;
Ok((name, descriptor))
pub fn gather_fieldref(&self, index: u16) -> Result<(&String, &String, &String), Error> {
let fieldref = self.pool_fieldref_entry(index)?;
let (field_name, field_descriptor) = self.gather_nameandtype(fieldref.name_and_type_index)?;
let class_name = self.gather_class(fieldref.class_index)?;
Ok((class_name, field_name, field_descriptor))
pub fn gather_class(&self, index: u16) -> Result<&String, Error> {
let class_entry = self.pool_class_entry(index)?;
let class_name_entry = self.pool_utf8_entry(class_entry.name_index)?;
let class_name = &class_name_entry.utf8;
pub fn gather_interfacemethodref(&self, index: u16) -> Result<(&String, &String, &String), Error> {
let methodref = self.pool_interfacemethodref_entry(index)?;
let class_entry = self.pool_class_entry(methodref.class_index)?;
let class_name_entry = self.pool_utf8_entry(class_entry.name_index)?;
let name_and_type_entry = self.pool_nameandtype_entry(methodref.name_and_type_index)?;
let class_name = &class_name_entry.utf8;
let method_name = &self.pool_utf8_entry(name_and_type_entry.name_index)?.utf8;
let method_descriptor = &self.pool_utf8_entry(name_and_type_entry.descriptor_index)?.utf8;
return Ok((class_name, method_name, method_descriptor));
pub fn gather_methodref(&self, index: u16) -> Result<(&String, &String, &String), Error> {
let methodref = self.pool_methodref_entry(index)?;
let class_entry = self.pool_class_entry(methodref.class_index)?;
let class_name_entry = self.pool_utf8_entry(class_entry.name_index)?;
let name_and_type_entry = self.pool_nameandtype_entry(methodref.name_and_type_index)?;
let class_name = &class_name_entry.utf8;
let method_name = &self.pool_utf8_entry(name_and_type_entry.name_index)?.utf8;
let method_descriptor = &self.pool_utf8_entry(name_and_type_entry.descriptor_index)?.utf8;
return Ok((class_name, method_name, method_descriptor));
pub fn sourcefile(&self) -> Result<Option<&String>, Error> {
match (&self.attributes).into_iter()
.filter_map(|attribute| match &attribute.data {
AttributeData::SourceFile(data) => Some(data),
_ => None,
.next() {
None => Ok(None),
Some(data) => {
let sourcefile_name = &self.pool_utf8_entry(data.source_file_index)?.utf8;
pub fn is_method_bytecode_protected(&self, method: &MethodInfo, instruction_pointer: u16, exception: crate::heap_area::ObjectReference) -> bool {
let code_attribute = method.get_code_attribute().unwrap();
for exception_entry in &code_attribute.exception_table {
if exception_entry.start_pc <= instruction_pointer && exception_entry.end_pc > instruction_pointer {
if exception_entry.catch_type == 0 {
return true;
} else {
// Check catch-type
pub struct FieldInfo {
pub access_flags: FieldAccessFlagMask,
pub name: String,
pub descriptor: AbstractTypeDescription,
pub attributes: Box<[AttributeInfo]>,
impl FieldInfo {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read, pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let access_flags = FieldAccessFlagMask { mask: read_u16(reader)? };
let name = {
let name_index = read_u16(reader)?;
let name_entry = pool_entry(pool, name_index.into())?;
match name_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(utf8info) => utf8info.utf8.clone(),
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad index into constant pool, expected type Utf8 but found {:?}", name_entry))),
let descriptor: AbstractTypeDescription = {
let descriptor_index = read_u16(reader)?;
let descriptor_entry = pool_entry(pool, descriptor_index.into())?;
match descriptor_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(utf8info) => {
let borrow = &utf8info.utf8;
let (length_parsed, type_desc) = AbstractTypeDescription::parse_first(borrow)?;
if length_parsed != borrow.len() {
Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad field descriptor found: {}", borrow)))?
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad index into constant pool, expected type Utf8 but found {:?}", descriptor_entry))),
let attributes = AttributeInfo::array_from_reader(reader, pool, true)?;
FieldInfo {
pub struct ConstantValueAttributeData {
pub constant_value_index: u16,
pub struct UnknownAttributeData {
info: Box<[u8]>
pub struct LineNumberTableEntry {
start_pc: u16,
line_number: u16,
impl LineNumberTableEntry {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let start_pc = read_u16(reader)?;
let line_number = read_u16(reader)?;
LineNumberTableEntry {
pub struct LineNumberTableAttributeData {
entries: Box<[LineNumberTableEntry]>
impl LineNumberTableAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut entry_vec = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
LineNumberTableAttributeData {
entries: entry_vec.into_boxed_slice()
pub struct ExceptionTableEntry {
pub start_pc: u16,
pub end_pc: u16,
pub handler_pc: u16,
pub catch_type: u16,
impl ExceptionTableEntry {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
ExceptionTableEntry {
start_pc: read_u16(reader)?,
end_pc: read_u16(reader)?,
handler_pc: read_u16(reader)?,
catch_type: read_u16(reader)?,
fn catches_in(&self, instruction_pointer: u16) -> bool {
return self.start_pc <= instruction_pointer && self.end_pc > instruction_pointer
pub struct CodeAttributeData {
pub max_stack: u16,
pub max_locals: u16,
pub code: Bytecode,
pub exception_table: Box<[ExceptionTableEntry]>,
pub attributes: Box<[AttributeInfo]>,
impl CodeAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read, pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let max_stack = read_u16(reader)?;
let max_locals = read_u16(reader)?;
let code_length = read_u32(reader)?;
let code = read_buffer(reader, code_length.try_into()?)?;
let exception_length = read_u16(reader)?;
let exception_table = {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(exception_length.into());
for _i in 0..exception_length {
let attributes = AttributeInfo::array_from_reader(reader, pool, false)?;
CodeAttributeData {
code: Bytecode { bytes: code },
pub struct SourceFileAttributeData {
source_file_index: u16,
impl SourceFileAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
SourceFileAttributeData {
source_file_index: read_u16(reader)?,
pub struct SignatureAttributeData {
signature_index: u16,
impl SignatureAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
SignatureAttributeData {
signature_index: read_u16(reader)?,
pub struct InnerClassesAttributeEntry {
inner_class_info_index: u16,
outer_class_info_index: u16,
inner_name_index: u16,
outer_name_index: u16,
impl InnerClassesAttributeEntry {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
InnerClassesAttributeEntry {
inner_class_info_index: read_u16(reader)?,
outer_class_info_index: read_u16(reader)?,
inner_name_index: read_u16(reader)?,
outer_name_index: read_u16(reader)?,
pub struct InnerClassesAttributeData {
classes: Box<[InnerClassesAttributeEntry]>
impl InnerClassesAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
InnerClassesAttributeData {
classes: {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
pub struct NestMembersAttributeData {
class_indices: Box<[u16]>
impl NestMembersAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
NestMembersAttributeData {
class_indices: {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
pub enum AttributeData {
pub struct AttributeInfo {
pub attribute_name_index: u16,
pub data: AttributeData
impl AttributeInfo {
fn array_from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read, pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>, allow_code_attr: bool) -> Result<Box<[Self]>, Error> {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut attr_vec = Vec::with_capacity(length.into());
for _i in 0..length {
let attribute = AttributeInfo::from_reader(reader, &pool, allow_code_attr)?;
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read, pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>, allow_code_attr: bool) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let attribute_name_index: u16 = read_u16(reader)? - 1;
let attribute_byte_size: usize = read_u32(reader)?.try_into()?;
let data = {
let name_entry = &pool[attribute_name_index as usize];
let utf8 = match name_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8( ConstantUtf8Info { utf8 } ) => utf8,
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad name index for attribute info: {}", attribute_name_index))),
match &utf8[..] {
"ConstantValue" => AttributeData::ConstantValue(
ConstantValueAttributeData {
constant_value_index: read_u16(reader)?,
"LineNumberTable" => AttributeData::LineNumberTable(
"Code" => if allow_code_attr {
CodeAttributeData::from_reader(reader, pool)?
} else {
return Err(Error::BadFileError("Nested Code attributes are forbidden.".to_string()));
"SourceFile" => AttributeData::SourceFile(SourceFileAttributeData::from_reader(reader)?),
"Signature" => AttributeData::Signature(SignatureAttributeData::from_reader(reader)?),
"InnerClasses" => AttributeData::InnerClasses(InnerClassesAttributeData::from_reader(reader)?),
"NestMembers" => AttributeData::NestMembers(NestMembersAttributeData::from_reader(reader)?),
"Exceptions" => AttributeData::Exceptions(ExceptionAttributeData::from_reader(reader)?),
"EnclosingMethod" => AttributeData::EnclosingMethod(EnclosingMethodAttributeData {class_index: read_u16(reader)?, method_index: read_u16(reader)?}),
"Synthetic" => AttributeData::Synthetic(),
"DebugExtension" => AttributeData::DebugExtension(
DebugExtensionAttributeData {
utf8: std::str::from_utf8(&(read_buffer(reader, attribute_byte_size)?))?.to_string(),
&_ => AttributeData::Unknown(
UnknownAttributeData {
info: read_buffer(reader, attribute_byte_size)?,
AttributeInfo {
pub struct DebugExtensionAttributeData {
utf8: String,
pub struct EnclosingMethodAttributeData {
class_index: u16,
method_index: u16,
// for use on methods, what exception can be thrown by this
pub struct ExceptionAttributeData {
exception_indices: Box<[u16]>,
impl ExceptionAttributeData {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let length = read_u16(reader)?;
let mut exception_vector = Vec::with_capacity(length as usize);
for _ in 0..length {
ExceptionAttributeData {
exception_indices: exception_vector.into_boxed_slice()
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum AbstractTypeKind {
Void() = b'V', // void
Byte() = b'B', // signed byte
Char() = b'C', // Unicode character code point in the Basic Multilingual Plane, encoded with UTF-16
Double() = b'D', // double-precision floating-point value
Float() = b'F', // single-precision floating-point value
Int() = b'I', // integer
Long() = b'J', // long integer
Classname(String) = b'L', // an instance of class ClassName
Short() = b'S', // signed short
Boolean() = b'Z', // true or false
impl Into<String> for &AbstractTypeKind {
fn into(self) -> String {
match self {
AbstractTypeKind::Void() => "V".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Byte() => "B".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Char() => "C".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Double() => "D".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Float() => "F".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Int() => "I".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Long() => "J".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Classname(name) => "L".to_string() + &name + ";",
AbstractTypeKind::Short() => "S".to_string(),
AbstractTypeKind::Boolean() => "Z".to_string(),
impl From<&str> for AbstractTypeKind {
fn from(value: &str) -> Self {
match value.chars().nth(0).unwrap() {
'V' => AbstractTypeKind::Void(),
'B' => AbstractTypeKind::Byte(),
'C' => AbstractTypeKind::Char(),
'D' => AbstractTypeKind::Double(),
'F' => AbstractTypeKind::Float(),
'I' => AbstractTypeKind::Int(),
'J' => AbstractTypeKind::Long(),
'S' => AbstractTypeKind::Short(),
'Z' => AbstractTypeKind::Boolean(),
'L' => AbstractTypeKind::Classname(value.chars().skip(1).map_while(|c| if c != ';' { Some(c) } else { None } ).collect()),
_ => unreachable!(),
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct AbstractTypeDescription {
pub array_level: u8,
pub kind: AbstractTypeKind,
impl Into<String> for &AbstractTypeDescription {
fn into(self) -> String {
let name_len = match self.kind {
AbstractTypeKind::Classname(ref s) => 2 + s.len(),
_ => 1,
let mut s = String::with_capacity(self.array_level as usize + name_len);
s.push_str(&"[".repeat(self.array_level as usize));
let kind_string: String = (&self.kind).into();
impl AbstractTypeDescription {
pub fn storage_size(&self) -> u8 {
match self.array_level {
0 => match self.kind {
AbstractTypeKind::Void() => 0,
AbstractTypeKind::Byte() => 1,
AbstractTypeKind::Char() => 2,
AbstractTypeKind::Double() => 8,
AbstractTypeKind::Float() => 4,
AbstractTypeKind::Int() => 4,
AbstractTypeKind::Long() => 8,
AbstractTypeKind::Short() => 2,
AbstractTypeKind::Boolean() => 1,
AbstractTypeKind::Classname(_) => 8
_ => 8
pub fn super_component(&self) -> Self {
AbstractTypeDescription {
array_level: 0,
kind: self.kind.clone()
pub fn component(&self) -> Self {
AbstractTypeDescription {
array_level: self.array_level - 1,
kind: self.kind.clone()
pub fn array(&self) -> Self {
AbstractTypeDescription {
array_level: self.array_level + 1,
kind: self.kind.clone()
pub fn parse_full(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (c, parsed) = Self::parse_first(s)?;
assert!(c == s.len());
pub fn parse_first(s: &str) -> Result<(usize, Self), Error> {
let mut offset: usize = 0;
let arrays_parsed = s.trim_start_matches("[");
let array_level = (s.len() - arrays_parsed.len()).try_into();
let array_level: u8 = match array_level {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_e) => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Too many array levels in method descriptor! Max is 255 but found {}", s.len() - arrays_parsed.len()))),
offset += array_level as usize;
let type_char = arrays_parsed.chars().nth(0).ok_or(Error::BadFileError("Missing type char in method descriptor".to_string()))?;
offset += 1;
let kind = match type_char {
'B' => AbstractTypeKind::Byte(),
'C' => AbstractTypeKind::Char(),
'D' => AbstractTypeKind::Double(),
'F' => AbstractTypeKind::Float(),
'I' => AbstractTypeKind::Int(),
'J' => AbstractTypeKind::Long(),
'S' => AbstractTypeKind::Short(),
'Z' => AbstractTypeKind::Boolean(),
'V' => AbstractTypeKind::Void(),
'L' => {
let semicolon_index = s.get(offset..).unwrap().find(";").ok_or(Error::BadFileError(format!("Missing ';' in type descriptor: {}", s)))?;
let classname_start = offset;
let classname_end = offset + semicolon_index;
let classname_string = s.get(classname_start..classname_end).unwrap();
offset += classname_string.len() + 1;
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Invalid Type character: '{}' in string '{}'", type_char, s))),
return Ok((offset, AbstractTypeDescription { array_level, kind }))
pub fn for_class_name(name: &str) -> Self {
AbstractTypeDescription {
array_level: 0,
kind: AbstractTypeKind::Classname(name.to_string()),
pub fn extract_class_name(&self) -> &String {
match self.kind {
AbstractTypeKind::Classname(ref name) => name,
_ => unreachable!()
pub fn class_type(class: &str) -> AbstractTypeDescription {
AbstractTypeDescription {
array_level: 0,
kind: AbstractTypeKind::Classname(class.to_string())
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MethodDescriptor {
pub argument_types: Box<[AbstractTypeDescription]>,
pub return_type: AbstractTypeDescription,
impl MethodDescriptor {
pub fn source_string(&self) -> String {
let mut s = "".to_string();
s += "(";
for argument_type in &self.argument_types {
let arg_string: String = argument_type.into();
s += ")";
let return_string: String = (&self.return_type).into();
impl TryFrom<&String> for MethodDescriptor {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(s: &String) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut total_offset: usize = 0;
.ok_or(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad method descriptor: '{}'", s)))?;
total_offset += 1;
let mut args = Vec::new();
while ! s.get(total_offset..).unwrap().starts_with(")") {
let (offset, arg_type) = AbstractTypeDescription::parse_first(s.get(total_offset..).unwrap())?;
total_offset += offset;
// unreachable?
.ok_or(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad method descriptor")))?;
total_offset += 1;
let (offset, return_type) = AbstractTypeDescription::parse_first(s.get(total_offset..).unwrap())?;
if offset != s.get(total_offset..).unwrap().len() {
return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Trailing characters in method descriptor string: '{}'", s)))
MethodDescriptor {
argument_types: args.into_boxed_slice(),
impl Into<String> for &MethodDescriptor {
fn into(self) -> String {
return self.source_string()
pub struct MethodInfo {
pub access_flags: MethodAccessFlagMask,
pub name: String,
pub descriptor: MethodDescriptor,
pub code_attribute_index: usize,
pub attributes: Box<[AttributeInfo]>,
impl MethodInfo {
fn from_reader(reader: &mut dyn Read, pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let access_flags = MethodAccessFlagMask { mask: read_u16(reader)? };
let name = {
let name_index = read_u16(reader)?;
let name_entry = pool_entry(pool, name_index.into())?;
match name_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(utf8info) => utf8info.utf8.clone(),
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad index into constant pool, expected type Utf8 but found {:?}", name_entry))),
let descriptor: MethodDescriptor = {
let descriptor_index = read_u16(reader)?;
let descriptor_entry = pool_entry(pool, descriptor_index.into())?;
match descriptor_entry {
ConstantPoolInfo::Utf8(utf8info) => {
let borrow = &utf8info.utf8;
_ => return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad index into constant pool, expected type Utf8 but found {:?}", descriptor_entry))),
let attributes = AttributeInfo::array_from_reader(reader, pool, true)?;
let code_attribute_index = attributes.iter()
.position(|info| match info.data {AttributeData::Code(_) => true, _ => false })
MethodInfo {
pub fn get_bytecode_linenumber(&self, bytecode_index: u16) -> Option<u16> {
let linenumbertable = match self.attributes
.filter_map(|a| match &a.data {
AttributeData::LineNumberTable(data) => Some(data),
_ => None,
.next() {
Some(a) => a,
None => return None,
.take_while(|entry| entry.start_pc < bytecode_index)
.map(|entry| entry.line_number)
pub fn get_code_attribute(&self) -> Option<&CodeAttributeData> {
return if self.code_attribute_index != self.attributes.len() {
match &self.attributes[self.code_attribute_index].data {
AttributeData::Code(data) => Some(data),
_ => None,
} else {
pub fn is_native(&self) -> bool {
return self.access_flags & MethodAccessFlag::Native;
pub fn get_protected_handler_pc(&self, instruction_pointer: u16) -> Option<u16> {
for exception_entry in &self.get_code_attribute()?.exception_table {
if exception_entry.catches_in(instruction_pointer) {
return Some(exception_entry.handler_pc)
pub fn read_buffer(reader: &mut dyn Read, size: usize) -> Result<Box<[u8]>, Error> {
let mut buffer: Box<[u8]> = vec![0; size].into_boxed_slice();
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
pub fn read_f64(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<f64, std::io::Error> {
// let bytes = read_u64(reader)?;
// let sign = if (bytes >> 63) == 0 { 1 } else { -1 } as f64;
// let exponent: f64 = ((bytes >> 52) & 0x7FF) as f64;
// let mantissa: f64 = if exponent == 0.0 {
// (bytes & 0xfffffffffffff) << 1
// } else {
// (bytes & 0xfffffffffffff) | 0x10000000000000
// } as f64;
// let base: f64 = 2.0;
// return Ok(sign * mantissa * base.powf(exponent-1075.0));
let mut buffer: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
return Ok(f64::from_be_bytes(buffer));
pub fn read_f32(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<f32, std::io::Error> {
let mut buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
return Ok(f32::from_be_bytes(buffer));
pub fn read_i32(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<i32, std::io::Error> {
let mut buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
return Ok(i32::from_be_bytes(buffer));
pub fn read_i64(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<i64, std::io::Error> {
let mut buffer: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
return Ok(i64::from_be_bytes(buffer));
pub fn read_u32(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<u32, std::io::Error> {
let mut u32_buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
reader.read_exact(&mut u32_buffer)?;
return Ok(u32::from_be_bytes(u32_buffer));
pub fn read_u16(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<u16, std::io::Error> {
let mut u16_buffer: [u8; 2] = [0; 2];
reader.read_exact(&mut u16_buffer)?;
return Ok(u16::from_be_bytes(u16_buffer));
pub fn read_u8(reader: &mut dyn Read) -> Result<u8, std::io::Error> {
let mut u8_buffer: [u8; 1] = [0; 1];
reader.read_exact(&mut u8_buffer)?;
return Ok(u8::from_be_bytes(u8_buffer));
fn pool_entry(constant_pool: &Box<[ConstantPoolInfo]>, index: u16) -> Result<&ConstantPoolInfo, Error> {
if index == 0 {
return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad pool index: 0")));
if usize::from(index - 1) >= constant_pool.len() {
return Err(Error::BadFileError(format!("Bad pool index: {}", index - 1)));
return Ok(&constant_pool[usize::from(index - 1)]);